6.3.3 Number of Professional Development / Administrative Training Programmes Organized by the Institution for Teaching and Non-teaching Staff during 2023-24
Sl. No.Dates (from-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)Title of the Professional Development Program Organised for Teaching StaffTitle of the Administrative Training Program Organised for Non-Teaching Staff No. of Participants Link to the Relevant Document
116-11-2023 to 16-12-20235th Faculty Induction Programme-28
215-02-2024 to 29-02-20247th Refresher Course in 'Teacher Educator'-38
327-02-2024 to 13-03-202416th Refresher Course in 'Life Sciences'-33
405-03-2024 to 07-03-2024Carrer Guidance and Counselling Training for NSS Programme Officers, University of Mysore-50
545358Principal's Meet - Unifled University College Management System and Academic Administration-115
624-09-2024 to 09-10-202432nd Refresher Course in 'Commerce'-64