3.4.6 Number of Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes Published per Teacher during 2023-24
| Total Number of Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes / Books Published, and Papers in National/ International Conference-proceedings during 2023-24
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sl. No. | Name of the Teacher | Title of the Book/Chapters Published | Title of the Paper | Title of the Proceedings of the Conference | Name of the Conference | National / International | Year of Publication | ISBN/ISSN Number of the Proceeding | Affiliating Institute at the Time of Publication | Name of the Publisher | Link to the Relevant Document | File Name | |
1 | Shobha V | Rajatarangini (Felicitation Volume)-Megalithic-Iron Age remains from Alambadi village in the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-978-81907 | Ancient History and Archaeology | Heritage India Trust | 2023-24_ancient_history_shobha_v_rajatarangini.pdf | 2023-24_ancient_history_shobha_v_rajatarangini.pdf | |
2 | Shobha V | - | Important Findings in Budipadaga Excavations | Itihasa Darshana (Vol 39) | Annual Conference of the Karnataka Itihasa Academy | National | 2024 | ISSN- 3048-7110 | Ancient History and Archaeology | Karnataka Itihasa Academy | 2023-24_ancient_history_shobha_v_budipadaga_excavations.pdf | 2023-24_ancient_history_shobha_v_budipadaga_excavations.pdf | |
3 | Gangadhar M R | Anthropology - Past, Present and Need for the Future | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-978-93-341-5339-2 | Anthropology | Infinite Learning Solutions, Bangalore | 2023-24_anthropology_gangadhar_m_r_anthropology_past_present.pdf | 2023-24_anthropology_gangadhar_m_r_anthropology_past_present.pdf | |
4 | Aisha M Sheriff | Startups - The Spirit of Enterpreneurship | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-978-93-6013-729-8 | Bahudur Institute of Management Science | Ramachandran G | 2023-24_bims_aisha_m_sheriff_startups.pdf | 2023-24_bims_aisha_m_sheriff_startups.pdf | |
5 | Aisha M Sheriff | The Post-Covid Status of Human Resources and Organizational Development Interventions of Select Private Hospitals in Karnataka | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-978-93-94981-35-5 | Bahudur Institute of Management Science | Mysore Book House | 2023-24_bims_aisha_m_sheriff_post_covid.pdf | 2023-24_bims_aisha_m_sheriff_post_covid.pdf | |
6 | Ashwini M B | Their Words, Their Stories | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-9-789334-106237 | DoS in English | Dream Book Publisher | 2023-24_english_ashwini_m_b_their_words_their_stories.pdf | 2023-24_english_ashwini_m_b_their_words_their_stories.pdf | |
7 | Ashwini M B | Women Brave, Bold and Beyond | - | - | - | - | 2024 | | DoS in English | Dream Book Publisher | 2023-24_english_ashwini_m_b_women_brave.pdf | 2023-24_english_ashwini_m_b_women_brave.pdf | |
8 | Komala M | Innovative Approaches in Plant Protection-Innovative Packaging Strategies for Reducing Post Harvest Lossess in Fruits and Vegetables | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN : 978-81-960970-1-1 | DoS in Food Science and Nutrition | Prakhar Goong Publiction Delhi | 2023-24_food_science_komala_m_innovative_packaging.pdf | 2023-24_food_science_komala_m_innovative_packaging.pdf | |
9 | Mamatha N | - | New Media for Wildlige Conservation and Management | Digi-Tech Media and Democracy | 7th National Media Conclave 2023 | National | 2023 | - | DoS in Journalism and Mass Communication | Prof. Upendra Padhi, National Media Conclave 2023 Saraswati Communication Bhubaneswar | 2023-24_journalism_mamatha_n_new_media.pdf | 2023-24_journalism_mamatha_n_new_media.pdf | |
10 | Mamatha N | - | Missing Voices in Digital Media | Digi-Tech Media and Democracy | 7th National Media Conclave 2023 | National | 2023 | - | DoS in Journalism and Mass Communication | Prof. Upendra Padhi, National Media Conclave 2023 Saraswati Communication Bhubaneswar | 2023-24_journalism_mamatha_n_missing_voices.pdf | 2023-24_journalism_mamatha_n_missing_voices.pdf | |
11 | Sapna M S | Innovate, Education Elevate-Discerning the Epistemological Changes of Data and AI Practices in Legacy Media and Insights for Journalism Education in India | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-81-19567-645 | DoS in Journalism and Mass Communication | Eureka Publications Bengaluru | 2023-24_journalism_sapna_m_s_discerning_the_epistemological.pdf | 2023-24_journalism_sapna_m_s_discerning_the_epistemological.pdf | |
12 | Sapna M S | Reel to Reveal: Insights on Media, Mass Communication and Film Studies- Trans Representation in Kannada Cinema: Talking Toll of the Marginalised | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-81-19567-645 | DoS in Journalism and Mass Communication | Eureka Publications Bengaluru | 2023-24_journalism_sapna_m_s_trans_representation.pdf | 2023-24_journalism_sapna_m_s_trans_representation.pdf | |
13 | Veena Mathad | Graphs and Combinatorics- Amplified Connective Eccentricity Indes of Graphs | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-93-95283-23-6 | DoS in Mathematics | Prasaranga Mangalore University | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_amp;lified.pdf | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_amp;lified.pdf | |
14 | Veena Mathad | Graphs and Combinatorics- The Split and Non-split Eccentric Hub Number of a Graph | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-93-95283-23-6 | DoS in Mathematics | Prasaranga Mangalore University | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_the_split.pdf | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_the_split.pdf | |
15 | Veena Mathad | Graphs and Combinatorics- Amplified Eccentric Connectivity Index of Some Graphs | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-93-95283-23-6 | DoS in Mathematics | Prasaranga Mangalore University | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_eccentric.pdf | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_eccentric.pdf | |
16 | Veena Mathad | Graphs and Combinatorics- The Minimal Hub Energy of Graphs | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-93-95283-23-6 | DoS in Mathematics | Prasaranga Mangalore University | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_the_minimal.pdf | 2023-24_mathematics_veena_mathad_the_minimal.pdf | |
17 | Daniel M | Living with Other Faiths - Religious Beliefs and Rituals of the Mao Naga Religion | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-93-5529-553-8 | DoS in Philosophy | Thomson Press Limited | 2023-24_philosophy_daniel_m_religious_beliefs.pdf | 2023-24_philosophy_daniel_m_religious_beliefs.pdf | |
18 | Gnana Prakash A P | - | 100 MeV Sulphur Ion Irradiation Effects on N-Channel MOSFETs at different Biasing Conditions | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | International | 2023 | - | DoS in Physics | - | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_sulphur.pdf | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_sulphur.pdf | |
19 | Gnana Prakash A P | - | Themoluminescene Study of Co-60 Gamma Irradiated Anhydrous Polyhalite Synthesized using Hydrothermal Method | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | International | 2023 | - | DoS in Physics | - | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_thermoluminescene.pdf | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_thermoluminescene.pdf | |
20 | Gnana Prakash A P | - | Effect of Humidity on Ammonia Gas Sensing by Hydrothermally Synthesized Gallium Oxide Nanoparticles | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | International | 2023 | - | DoS in Physics | - | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_effect_of_humidity.pdf | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_effect_of_humidity.pdf | |
21 | Gnana Prakash A P | - | Swift Heavy Ion Induced Modification at the Si/Sio interface of MOS devices | ICNIB 2023 | 7th International Conference on Nanostructuring by ION Beams | International | 2023 | ISSN-0922-3444 | DoS in Physics | Elsevier | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_swift_heavy.pdf | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_swift_heavy.pdf | |
22 | Gnana Prakash A P | - | A Comparison of Room Temperature and High Temperature 80 MeV Nitrogen Ion Irradiation Effects on PNP Transistor | ICNIB 2023 | 7th International Conference on Nanostructuring by ION Beams | International | 2023 | ISSN-0922-3444 | DoS in Physics | Elsevier | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_comparison_of_room.pdf | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_comparison_of_room.pdf | |
23 | Gnana Prakash A P | - | A Study on the Swift Heavy Ion and Gamma Irradiation Induced Defect Dynamics on TaO based MOS devices | ICNIB 2023 | 7th International Conference on Nanostructuring by ION Beams | International | 2023 | ISSN-0922-3444 | DoS in Physics | Elsevier | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_study_of_the_swift.pdf | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_study_of_the_swift.pdf | |
24 | Gnana Prakash A P | - | Defects of Gamma Irradiation on the Formation of Silicon Nano_entities Through Electrochemical Etching and Laser Ablation Techniques | ICNIB 2023 | 7th International Conference on Nanostructuring by ION Beams | International | 2023 | ISSN-0922-3444 | DoS in Physics | Elsevier | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_defects_of_gamma.pdf | 2023-24_physics_gnana_prakash_a_p_defects_of_gamma.pdf | |
25 | Krishnaveni S | - | Investigation of Phe-tRNA interaction with EF-Tu in GDP/GTP Nucleotide bound states : A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study | Inbix 23 | Indian Conference on Bioinformatics-2023 | National | 2023 | - | DoS in Physics | - | 2023-24_physics_krishnaveni_s_investigation.pdf | 2023-24_physics_krishnaveni_s_investigation.pdf | |
26 | Mahendra M | - | Exploration of Electroni and Optical Properties of Chalcogenide Perovskite Materials AHfS3 (a+Ba, Sr) for Light Emitting Semiconductors First Principles Study | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | International | 2023 | - | DoS in Physics | - | 2023-24_physics_mahendra_m_exploration.pdf | 2023-24_physics_mahendra_m_exploration.pdf | |
27 | Mahendra M | - | Crystal Structure, Hirshfeld Surface and Computational Nonlinear Optical Studies of Isonicotinohydrazide Derivative | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | 67th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium | International | 2023 | - | DoS in Physics | - | 2023-24_physics_mahendra_mcrystal_structure.pdf | 2023-24_physics_mahendra_mcrystal_structure.pdf | |
28 | Kumara H S | - | Assessing the Impact and Response to the Disaster in Mananthavady Town : A Case Study | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 247th ECS Meeting Montreal Canada | International | 2023 | - | School of Planning and Architecture | - | 2023-24_spa_kumara_h_s_assessing_the_impact.pdf | 2023-24_spa_kumara_h_s_assessing_the_impact.pdf | |
29 | Nanjunda D C | Chukki Guruthina Prashnegalu (In Kannada) | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-93-91874-90-2 | - | Nanditha Pakasana, Mysuru | 2023-24_cssi_nanjunda_d_c_chukki_guruthina.pdf | 2023-24_cssi_nanjunda_d_c_chukki_guruthina.pdf | |
30 | Nanjunda D C | Gandhi in Traffic Jaum (In Kannada) | - | - | - | - | 2023 | - | - | Achala Publication | 2023-24_cssi_nanjunda_d_c_gandhi_in_traffic.pdf | 2023-24_cssi_nanjunda_d_c_gandhi_in_traffic.pdf | |
31 | Amulya M | - | Towards a Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Campus Case Study on University of Mysore | Dual Transition of Net Zero Carbon and Digital Transformation | Dual Transition of Net Zero Carbon and Digital Transformation | International | - | - | - | Bengaluru City University | 2023-24_bims_amulya_m_towards_a_sustainable.pdf | 2023-24_bims_amulya_m_towards_a_sustainable.pdf | |
32 | Amulya M | - | A study of Consumer Awareness and Acceptance of Cricular Economy of Fashion | Dual Transition of Net Zero Carbon and Digital Transformation | Dual Transition of Net Zero Carbon and Digital Transformation | International | - | - | - | Bengaluru City University | 2023-24_bims_amulya_m_a_study_of_consumer.pdf | 2023-24_bims_amulya_m_a_study_of_consumer.pdf | |
33 | Nagaraja N | - | Empowerment of Women Agripreneurs Khrough Agri Farm Business Model-A Case Study of Rural Mysuru District | Integration of Business, Digital Technologies and Social Sciences for a Sustainable ASEAN and Beyond | IBTSS-2024 | International | 2024 | ISBN-978-9924-9932-0-9 | - | American University of Phnom Penh | 2023-24_commerce_nagaraja_n_empowerment.pdf | 2023-24_commerce_nagaraja_n_empowerment.pdf | |
34 | Sowmy H S | Revitalizing Higher Education: Strategies and Innovations-Artivicial Intelligence and Education | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-978-81-957877-9-1 | - | St. Joseph's College of Education Mysuru and PKM College of Education Kannur | 2023-24_education_sowmya_h_s_revitalizing.pdf | 2023-24_education_sowmya_h_s_revitalizing.pdf | |
35 | Sudarshan M | Environmental Studies | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-978-93-95368-54-4 | - | Neelkamal Books | 2023-24_education_sudarshan_m_environmental_studies.pdf | 2023-24_education_sudarshan_m_environmental_studies.pdf | |
36 | Vishwanatha S | Doorasamveedi Parichaya Moolabhutha Amshagalu mattu Anvayagalu | - | - | - | - | 2024 | ISBN-978-93-340-3437-0 | - | Bright Class Solutions Mysuru | 2023-24_geography_vishwanatha_s_doorasamvedi.pdf | 2023-24_geography_vishwanatha_s_doorasamvedi.pdf | |
37 | Vishwanatha S | Agricultural Growth with Sustainability- Achieving Sustainable Agriculture Development Through Organic Farming-A Perceptional Study in Mandya District Karnataka | - | - | - | - | 2023 | ISBN-978-819582420-3 | - | Ambisphere Publicationss | 2023-24_geography_vishwanatha_s_achieveing.pdf | 2023-24_geography_vishwanatha_s_achieveing.pdf | |
38 | Chandrashekara M | Academic Publishing Libraries and Artificial Intelligence-Reforming Academic Library Services with ChatGPT for Enriching User Experience | - | - | - | - | 2024 | - | - | Library and Information Science, UoM | 2023_24_mlic_chandrashekara_m_reforming.pdf | 2023_24_mlic_chandrashekara_m_reforming.pdf | |
39 | Harinarayana N S | Academic Publishing Libraries and Artificial Intelligence-Can ChatGPT Detect Cataloguing Errors? Exploring AI Based Error Detection in Library Catalogues | - | - | - | - | 2024 | - | - | Library and Information Science, UoM | 2023_24_mlisc_harinarayana_n_s_chat_gpt.pdf | 2023_24_mlisc_harinarayana_n_s_chat_gpt.pdf | |
40 | Harinarayana N S | Academic Publishing Libraries and Artificial Intelligence-AI Based World Immersed in Scholarly Communications: Paradigmatic and Theoretical Perspectives | - | - | - | - | 2024 | - | - | Library and Information Science, UoM | 2023_24_mlisc_harinarayana_n_s_based_world.pdf | 2023_24_mlisc_harinarayana_n_s_based_world.pdf | |