2.5.1 Number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results during 2023-24
| Number of days from the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results during 2023-24
| | | | | | | | |
Sl. No. | Programme Name | Programme Code | Sem/ Year | Last Date of the Last Semester-end/ Year- end Examination | Date of Declaration of Results of Semester-end/ year- end Examination | Link of the Relevant Document | File Name | |
1 | MA in Ambedkar Studies | MAABS13 | D | 45518 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_ambedkar_studies.pdf | 2023-24_ma_ambedkar_studies.pdf | |
2 | MA in Buddhist Studies | MABUD13 | D | 45518 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_buddhist_studies.pdf | 2023-24_ma_buddhist_studies.pdf | |
3 | Master of Business Administration | MBA18 | D | 45570 | 45590 | 2023-24_mba.pdf | 2023-24_mba.pdf | |
4 | Diploma in Gandhian Studies | DPGAN | B | 45513 | 45607 | 2023-24_diploma_gandhian_studies.pdf | 2023-24_diploma_gandhian_studies.pdf | |
5 | MA in Peace and Conflict Resolution | MAPCR13 | D | 45509 | 45573 | 2023-24_ma_peace_ and_conflict_resolution.pdf | 2023-24_ma_peace_ and_conflict_resolution.pdf | |
6 | MSc in Information Technology | MSCIT13 | D | 45577 | 45568 | 2023-24_msc_information_technology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_information_technology.pdf | |
7 | MTech in Materials Science | MTMTS | D | 45518 | 45540 | 2023-24_mtech_materials_science.pdf | 2023-24_mtech_materials_science.pdf | |
8 | MA in Women's Studies | MAWS13 | D | 45512 | 45569 | 2023-24_ma_womens_studies.pdf | 2023-24_ma_womens_studies.pdf | |
9 | MA in Ancient History and Archaeology | MAAHA13 | D | 45509 | 45565 | 2023-24_ma_ancient_history.pdf | 2023-24_ma_ancient_history.pdf | |
10 | MA in Anthropology | MAANT13 | D | 45512 | 45530 | 2023-24_ma_anthropology.pdf | 2023-24_ma_anthropology.pdf | |
11 | MSc in Anthropology | MSANT13 | D | 45512 | 45530 | 2023-24_msc_anthropology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_anthropology.pdf | |
12 | MSc in Biochemistry | MSBIC13 | D | 45513 | 45573 | 2023-24_msc_biochemistry.pdf | 2023-24_msc_biochemistry.pdf | |
13 | MSc in Biotechnology | MSBIT13 | D | 45512 | 45530 | 2023-24_msc_biotechnology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_biotechnology.pdf | |
14 | MSc in Botany | MSBOT13 | D | 45506 | 45538 | 2023-24_msc_botany.pdf | 2023-24_msc_botany.pdf | |
15 | MSc in Chemistry | MSCHE13 | D | 45516 | 45558 | 2023-24_msc_chemistry.pdf | 2023-24_msc_chemistry.pdf | |
16 | MA in Christianity | MACHR13 | D | 45510 | 45530 | 2023-24_ma_christianity.pdf | 2023-24_ma_christianity.pdf | |
17 | Master of Commerce | MCOM15 | D | 45513 | 45556 | 2023-24_master_commerce.pdf | 2023-24_master_commerce.pdf | |
18 | Master of Commerce (Financial Services) | MCOMFS17 | D | 45511 | 45556 | 2023-24_master_commerce_fs.pdf | 2023-24_master_commerce_fs.pdf | |
19 | MSc in Computer Science | MSC13 | D | 45511 | 45556 | 2023-24_msc_computer_science.pdf | 2023-24_msc_computer_science.pdf | |
20 | Master of Computer Applications | MSCS13 | D | 45518 | 45546 | 2023-24_master_computer_application.pdf | 2023-24_master_computer_application.pdf | |
21 | MSc in Geology | MSGEL16 | D | 45511 | 45538 | 2023-24_msc_geology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_geology.pdf | |
22 | MSc in Applied Geology | MSAPG16 | D | 45511 | 45538 | 2023-24_msc_applied_geology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_applied_geology.pdf | |
23 | MA in Economics | MAECO13 | D | 45517 | 45554 | 2023-24_ma_economics.pdf | 2023-24_ma_economics.pdf | |
24 | MA in Cooperative Management | MACOP13 | D | 45512 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_cooperative_management.pdf | 2023-24_ma_cooperative_management.pdf | |
25 | Master of Education | MED15 | D | 45510 | 45537 | 2023-24_master_education.pdf | 2023-24_master_education.pdf | |
26 | MA in English | MAENG13 | D | 45513 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_english.pdf | 2023-24_ma_english.pdf | |
27 | MSc in Environmental Science | MSENV13 | D | 45534 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_environmental_science.pdf | 2023-24_ma_environmental_science.pdf | |
28 | MSc in Food Science and Nutrition | MSFSN13 | D | 45516 | 45568 | 2023-24_msc_food_science.pdf | 2023-24_msc_food_science.pdf | |
29 | MSc in Human Development and Family Studies | MSHUM13 | D | 45513 | 45568 | 2023-24_msc_human_development.pdf | 2023-24_msc_human_development.pdf | |
30 | MSc in Genetics | MSGEN17 | D | 31-07-2024 | 45568 | 2023-24_msc_genetics.pdf | 2023-24_msc_genetics.pdf | |
31 | Postgraduate Diploma in Geographical Information System | PGDGIS | B | 45525 | 45573 | 2023-24_pgd_geographical_information_system.pdf | 2023-24_pgd_geographical_information_system.pdf | |
32 | MSc in Geography | MSGEO13 | D | 45513 | 45540 | 2023-24_msc_geographical_information_system.pdf | 2023-24_msc_geographical_information_system.pdf | |
33 | MSc in Geographical Information System | MSGIS13 | D | 45526 | 45538 | 2023-24_msc_geography.pdf | 2023-24_msc_geography.pdf | |
34 | MA in Hindi | MAHIN13 | D | 45511 | 45547 | 2023-24_ma_hindi.pdf | 2023-24_ma_hindi.pdf | |
35 | MA in History | MAHIS13 | D | 45521 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_history.pdf | 2023-24_ma_history.pdf | |
36 | MA in West Asian Studies | MAMES13 | D | 45513 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_west_asian_studies.pdf | 2023-24_ma_west_asian_studies.pdf | |
37 | Postgraduate Diploma in Jainology | DJAIN | B | 45194 | 45324 | 2023-24_pgd_jainology.pdf | 2023-24_pgd_jainology.pdf | |
38 | MA in Jainology and Prakrit | MAJAP13 | D | 45511 | 45590 | 2023-24_ma_jainology_and_prakrit.pdf | 2023-24_ma_jainology_and_prakrit.pdf | |
39 | MA in Journalism and Mass Communication | MAJOU13 | D | 45531 | 45593 | 2023-24_ma_journalism_and_mass_communication.pdf | 2023-24_ma_journalism_and_mass_communication.pdf | |
40 | Master of Law and Legislature | LLM13 | D | 45512 | 45554 | 2023-24_master_law_and_legislature.pdf | 2023-24_master_law_and_legislature.pdf | |
41 | Master of Library and Information Science | MLISC13 | D | 45511 | 45525 | 2023-24_master_of_library_and_information_science.pdf | 2023-24_master_of_library_and_information_science.pdf | |
42 | MSc in Mathematics | MSMAT17 | D | 45521 | 45549 | 2023-24_msc_mathematics.pdf | 2023-24_msc_mathematics.pdf | |
43 | MSc in Microbiology | MSMIC13 | D | 45509 | 45527 | 2023-24_msc_microbiology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_microbiology.pdf | |
44 | MSc in Molecular Biology | MSMBI15 | D | 45513 | 45568 | 2023-24_msc_molecular_biology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_molecular_biology.pdf | |
45 | MSc in Organic Chemistry | MSORG13 | D | 45518 | 45555 | 2023-24_msc_organic_chemistry.pdf | 2023-24_msc_organic_chemistry.pdf | |
46 | Postgraduate Diploma in Swami Vivekananda Studies | DPSVS | B | 45194 | 45324 | 2023-24_pgd_swami_vivekananda_studies.pdf | 2023-24_pgd_swami_vivekananda_studies.pdf | |
47 | MA in Philosophy | MAPHI13 | D | 45513 | 45588 | 2023-24_ma_philosophy.pdf | 2023-24_ma_philosophy.pdf | |
48 | Bachelor of Physical Education | BPED16 | D | 45509 | 45570 | 2023-24_bped.pdf | 2023-24_bped.pdf | |
49 | Master of Physical Education | MPED13 | D | 45506 | 45572 | 2023-24_mped.pdf | 2023-24_mped.pdf | |
50 | MSc in Physics | MSPHY13 | D | 45511 | 45558 | 2023-24_msc_physics.pdf | 2023-24_msc_physics.pdf | |
51 | MA in Political Science | MAPOL13 | D | 45512 | 45559 | 2023-24_ma_poltical_science.pdf | 2023-24_ma_poltical_science.pdf | |
52 | MSc in Psychology | MSPSY13 | D | 45506 | 45568 | 2023-24_msc_psychology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_psychology.pdf | |
53 | MA in Public Administration | MAPUB17 | D | 45512 | 45569 | 2023-24_ma_public_administration.pdf | 2023-24_ma_public_administration.pdf | |
54 | MA in Sanskrit | MASAN13 | D | 45511 | 45587 | 2023-24_ma_sanskrit.pdf | 2023-24_ma_sanskrit.pdf | |
55 | MSc in Sericulture and Seribiotechnology | MSSER13 | D | 45506 | 45544 | 2023-24_msc_sericulture_and_seribiotechnology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_sericulture_and_seribiotechnology.pdf | |
56 | Master of Social Work | MSW13 | D | 45509 | 45565 | 2023-24_master_social_work.pdf | 2023-24_master_social_work.pdf | |
57 | MA in Sociology | MASOC13 | D | 45511 | 45568 | 2023-24_ma_sociology.pdf | 2023-24_ma_sociology.pdf | |
58 | MSc in Statistics | MSSTA17 | D | 45509 | 45540 | 2023-24_msc_statistics.pdf | 2023-24_msc_statistics.pdf | |
59 | MA in Urdu | MAURD13 | D | 45506 | 45588 | 2023-24_ma_urdu.pdf | 2023-24_ma_urdu.pdf | |
60 | MSc in Zoology | MSZOO13 | D | 45507 | 45532 | 2023-24_msc_zoology.pdf | 2023-24_msc_zoology.pdf | |
61 | MA in Development Studies | MADEV13 | D | 45511 | 45561 | 2023-24_ma_development_studies.pdf | 2023-24_ma_development_studies.pdf | |
62 | MBA in Agribusiness Management | MBAAB17 | D | 45511 | 45561 | 2023-24_mba_agribusiness_management.pdf | 2023-24_mba_agribusiness_management.pdf | |
63 | MA in Rural Development | MARUD13 | D | 45511 | 45561 | 2023-24_ma_rural_development.pdf | 2023-24_ma_rural_development.pdf | |
64 | MA in Kannada | MAKAN13 | D | 45513 | 45572 | 2023-24_ma_kannada.pdf | 2023-24_ma_kannada.pdf | |
65 | MA in Linguistics | MALIN13 | D | 45513 | 45572 | 2023-24_ma_linguistics.pdf | 2023-24_ma_linguistics.pdf | |
66 | MA in South Indian Studies | MASIS13 | D | 45513 | 45561 | 2023-24_ma_south_indian_studies.pdf | 2023-24_ma_south_indian_studies.pdf | |
67 | MA in Folklore | MAFOL13 | D | 45513 | 45570 | 2023-24_ma_folklore.pdf | 2023-24_ma_folklore.pdf | |
68 | BA - LLB | LLBIC | J | 45491 | 45555 | 2023-24_ba_llb.pdf | 2023-24_ba_llb.pdf | |
69 | BCom - LLB | BCOMLLB | J | 45493 | 45559 | 2023-24_bcom_llb.pdf | 2023-24_bcom_llb.pdf | |
70 | Bachelor of Architecture | BARCH16 | J | 45467 | 45481 | 2023-24_bechelor_architecture.pdf | 2023-24_bechelor_architecture.pdf | |
71 | BTech Planning | BPLAN19 | D | 45534 | 45570 | 2023-24_btech_planning.pdf | 2023-24_btech_planning.pdf | |
72 | MTech in Urban and Regional Planning | MTURP | D | 45507 | 45531 | 2023-24_mtech_urban_and_regional_planning.pdf | 2023-24_mtech_urban_and_regional_planning.pdf | |
73 | Certificate Course in Yogic Science | CEYSC | A | 45191 | 45253 | 2023-24_certificate_yogic_science.pdf | 2023-24_certificate_yogic_science.pdf | |
74 | Diploma in Yogic Science | DYSC | B | 45506 | 45575 | 2023-24_deiploma_yogic_science.pdf | 2023-24_deiploma_yogic_science.pdf | |
75 | Postgraduate Diploma in Yogic Science | PGDYSC | B | 45506 | 45575 | 2023-24_pgd_yogic_science.pdf | 2023-24_pgd_yogic_science.pdf | |