1.2.1 Number of New Courses Introduced of the Total Number of Courses Across All Programs Offered during 2023-24
Sl. No. | Name of the Course | Course Code | Year of Introduction | Activities/Content with direct bearing on Employability/ Entrepreneurship/ Skill Development | Link to the Relevant Document | |
1 | Business Environment and Public Policy | MBASC104 | 2023-24 | | | |
2 | Corporate Law | MBASC105 | 2023-24 | | | |
3 | Production and Operations Management | MBASC205 | 2023-24 | | | |
4 | Business Analytics | MBASC206 | 2023-24 | | | |
5 | English Language: Usage and Comunication | ENGOE202 | 2023-24 | | | |
6 | Introduction to Englsih Literature | ENGOE302 | 2023-24 | | | |
7 | Microbial Ecology and Diversity | MIBSC105 | 2023-24 | | | |
8 | Soil Microbiology | MIBSC204 | 2023-24 | | | |
9 | Clinical and Diagnostic | MIBSC304 | 2023-24 | | | |
10 | Mcrobial Nanotechnology | MIBSC404 | 2023-24 | | | |
11 | Genomics and Proteomics | MIBSC405 | 2023-24 | | | |
12 | Practical IX (Microbial Nanotecnology) | MIBSCP401 | 2023-24 | | | |
13 | Local Governments in India | POLHC404 | 2023-24 | | | |
14 | Management and Enterpreneurship | BEAIDS40 | 2023-24 | | | |
15 | Programming in Java | BEAIDS41 | 2023-24 | | | |
16 | Database Management System | BEAIDS42 | 2023-24 | | | |
17 | Automata Theory | BEAIDS43 | 2023-24 | | | |
18 | Principles of Artificial Intelligence | BEAIDS44 | 2023-24 | | | |
19 | Web Technology | BEAIDS45 | 2023-24 | | | |
20 | Liner Algebra | BEAIDS46 | 2023-24 | | | |
21 | Data Mining | BEAIDS47 | 2023-24 | | | |
22 | Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithm | BEAIDS48 | 2023-24 | | | |
23 | Introduction to Database Management System | BEAIDS49 | 2023-24 | | | |
24 | Programming in Java | BEAIDS50 | 2023-24 | | | |
25 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | BEAIDS51 | 2023-24 | | | |
26 | Python Programming | BEAIDS52 | 2023-24 | | | |
27 | Summer Internship - I | BEAIDS53 | 2023-24 | | | |
28 | Application Development using Python | BEAIDS54 | 2023-24 | | | |
29 | Big Data Analytics | BEAIDS55 | 2023-24 | | | |
30 | Principles of Data Science | BEAIDS56 | 2023-24 | | | |
31 | Cloud Computing | BEAIDS57 | 2023-24 | | | |
32 | Reasearch Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights | BEAIDS58 | 2023-24 | | | |
33 | Machine Learning | BEAIDS59 | 2023-24 | | | |
34 | Image Processing | BEAIDS60 | 2023-24 | | | |
35 | Social Network Analysis | BEAIDS61 | 2023-24 | | | |
36 | Introduction to Internet of Things | BEAIDS62 | 2023-24 | | | |
37 | Introduction to Machine Learning | BEAIDS63 | 2023-24 | | | |
38 | Introduction to Cyber Security | BEAIDS64 | 2023-24 | | | |
39 | Introduction to Web technology | BEAIDS65 | 2023-24 | | | |
40 | Animation and Visualization | BEAIDS66 | 2023-24 | | | |
41 | Mini Project | BEAIDS67 | 2023-24 | | | |
42 | Management and Enterpreneurship | BEAIML40 | 2023-24 | | | |
43 | Programming in Java | BEAIML41 | 2023-24 | | | |
44 | Database Management System | BEAIML42 | 2023-24 | | | |
45 | Automata Theory | BEAIML43 | 2023-24 | | | |
46 | Principles of Artificial Intelligence | BEAIML44 | 2023-24 | | | |
47 | Web Technology | BEAIML45 | 2023-24 | | | |
48 | Liner Algebra | BEAIML46 | 2023-24 | | | |
49 | Data Mining | BEAIML47 | 2023-24 | | | |
50 | Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithm | BEAIML48 | 2023-24 | | | |
51 | Introduction to Database Management System | BEAIML49 | 2023-24 | | | |
52 | Programming in Java | BEAIML50 | 2023-24 | | | |
53 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | BEAIML51 | 2023-24 | | | |
54 | Python Programming | BEAIML52 | 2023-24 | | | |
55 | Summer Internship - I | BEAIML53 | 2023-24 | | | |
56 | Aplication Development using Python | BEAIML54 | 2023-24 | | | |
57 | Statistical Analysis | BEAIML55 | 2023-24 | | | |
58 | Machine Learning | BEAIML56 | 2023-24 | | | |
59 | Cloud Computing | BEAIML57 | 2023-24 | | | |
60 | Reasearch Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights | BEAIML58 | 2023-24 | | | |
61 | Principles of Data Science | BEAIML59 | 2023-24 | | | |
62 | Social Network Analysis | BEAIML60 | 2023-24 | | | |
63 | Big Data Analytics | BEAIML61 | 2023-24 | | | |
64 | Introduction to Internet of Things | BEAIML62 | 2023-24 | | | |
65 | Introduction to Machine Learning | BEAIML63 | 2023-24 | | | |
66 | Introduction to Machine Learning | BEAIML64 | 2023-24 | | | |
67 | Introduction to Cyber Security | BEAIML65 | 2023-24 | | | |
68 | Introduction to Web technology | BEAIML66 | 2023-24 | | | |
69 | Animation and Visualization | BEAIML67 | 2023-24 | | | |
70 | Mini Project | BEAIML68 | 2023-24 | | | |
71 | Management and Enterpreneurship | BEBRE40 | 2023-24 | | | |
72 | Digital Signal Processing | BEBRE41 | 2023-24 | | | |
73 | Biomedical Instrumentation | BEBRE42 | 2023-24 | | | |
74 | Robot Programming | BEBRE43 | 2023-24 | | | |
75 | Pattern RecongnitionCommunication Systems | BEBRE44 | 2023-24 | | | |
76 | Hospital Desigh, Planning and Management | BEBRE45 | 2023-24 | | | |
77 | Embedded System Design | BEBRE46 | 2023-24 | | | |
78 | Fundamentals of Biomedical Transducers and Medical Instrumentation | BEBRE47 | 2023-24 | | | |
79 | Biosafety and Healthcare | BEBRE48 | 2023-24 | | | |
80 | Fundamentals of Robotics and its Programming | BEBRE49 | 2023-24 | | | |
81 | Fundamentals of Augmented and virtual Reality | BEBRE50 | 2023-24 | | | |
82 | Programming in Matlab | BEBRE51 | 2023-24 | | | |
83 | Biomedical Instrumentation Lab | BEBRE52 | 2023-24 | | | |
84 | Summer Internship - I | BEBRE53 | 2023-24 | | | |
85 | Digital Image Processing | BEBRE54 | 2023-24 | | | |
86 | Python for System Programming | BEBRE55 | 2023-24 | | | |
87 | IoT and Smart Sensors | BEBRE56 | 2023-24 | | | |
88 | Rehabilitation Engineering | BEBRE57 | 2023-24 | | | |
89 | Drives and Control of Robots | BEBRE58 | 2023-24 | | | |
90 | CMOS VLSI Design | BEBRE59 | 2023-24 | | | |
91 | Medical Design Regulation and Safety | BEBRE60 | 2023-24 | | | |
92 | Fundamentals of Bio-MEMS | BEBRE61 | 2023-24 | | | |
93 | Wearable Devices | BEBRE62 | 2023-24 | | | |
94 | Robotic Motion Control and Path Planning | BEBRE63 | 2023-24 | | | |
95 | Basics of Embedded System Design | BEBRE64 | 2023-24 | | | |
96 | Research Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights | BEBRE65 | 2023-24 | | | |
97 | Python for System Programming Lab | BEBRE66 | 2023-24 | | | |
98 | Mini Project | BEBRE67 | 2023-24 | | | |
99 | Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering | BECEE40 | 2023-24 | | | |
100 | Design of RC Structural Eliments | BECEE41 | 2023-24 | | | |
101 | Concrete Technology | BECEE42 | 2023-24 | | | |
102 | Environmental Engineering - II | BECEE43 | 2023-24 | | | |
103 | Environmental Impact Assessment | BECEE44 | 2023-24 | | | |
104 | Occupational Health ans Safety | BECEE45 | 2023-24 | | | |
105 | Intelligent Transport System | BECEE46 | 2023-24 | | | |
106 | Smart Cities and Planning | BECEE47 | 2023-24 | | | |
107 | Neighbourhood Planning | BECEE48 | 2023-24 | | | |
108 | Finite Elemebnt Methods | BECEE49 | 2023-24 | | | |
109 | Alternative Building Materials | BECEE50 | 2023-24 | | | |
110 | Sustainable Technologies | BECEE51 | 2023-24 | | | |
111 | Environmental Chemistry and Microbilogy | BECEE52 | 2023-24 | | | |
112 | Environmental Facility Management | BECEE53 | 2023-24 | | | |
113 | Industrial Waste Managemebnt and Engineering | BECEE54 | 2023-24 | | | |
114 | Climate Change and Emission Trade | BECEE55 | 2023-24 | | | |
115 | Quality Control and Assurance | BECEE56 | 2023-24 | | | |
116 | Offshore Structures | BECEE57 | 2023-24 | | | |
117 | Bridge Engineering | BECEE58 | 2023-24 | | | |
118 | Construction Management and Enterpreneurship | BECEE59 | 2023-24 | | | |
119 | Geotechnical Engineering | BECEE60 | 2023-24 | | | |
120 | Design of Steel Structure Elements | BECEE61 | 2023-24 | | | |
121 | Advanced Technologies and Computer Aided Designs | BECEE62 | 2023-24 | | | |
122 | Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures | BECEE63 | 2023-24 | | | |
123 | Applied Geotechnical Engineering | BECEE64 | 2023-24 | | | |
124 | Railways, Harbors, Tunneling and Airports | BECEE65 | 2023-24 | | | |
125 | Traffic Engineering | BECEE66 | 2023-24 | | | |
126 | Urban Transport Planning | BECEE67 | 2023-24 | | | |
127 | Construction Materials | BECEE68 | 2023-24 | | | |
128 | Green Buildings | BECEE69 | 2023-24 | | | |
129 | Solid Waste Management | BECEE70 | 2023-24 | | | |
130 | Research Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights | BECEE71 | 2023-24 | | | |
131 | Mini Project | BECEE72 | 2023-24 | | | |
132 | Summer Internship - II | BECEE73 | 2023-24 | | | |
133 | Management and Enterpreneurship | BECSD40 | 2023-24 | | | |
134 | Programming in Java | BECSD41 | 2023-24 | | | |
135 | Database Management System | BECSD42 | 2023-24 | | | |
136 | Automata Theory | BECSD43 | 2023-24 | | | |
137 | Principles of Computer System and Design | BECSD44 | 2023-24 | | | |
138 | Web Technology | BECSD45 | 2023-24 | | | |
139 | Operations Research | BECSD46 | 2023-24 | | | |
140 | Simulation and Modelling | BECSD47 | 2023-24 | | | |
141 | Introduction to Data Structure and Algorithm | BECSD48 | 2023-24 | | | |
142 | Introduction to Database Management System | BECSD49 | 2023-24 | | | |
143 | Programming in Java | BECSD50 | 2023-24 | | | |
144 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | BECSD51 | 2023-24 | | | |
145 | Introduction to Python Programming | BECSD52 | 2023-24 | | | |
146 | Summer Internship - I | BECSD53 | 2023-24 | | | |
147 | Computer Networks and Security | BECSD54 | 2023-24 | | | |
148 | Systm Programming and Compiler Design | BECSD55 | 2023-24 | | | |
149 | Object Oriented and Design and Analysis | BECSD56 | 2023-24 | | | |
150 | Cloud Computing | BECSD57 | 2023-24 | | | |
151 | Research Methodology and Intellectual Property Rights | BECSD58 | 2023-24 | | | |
152 | C#and .NET Framework | BECSD59 | 2023-24 | | | |
153 | Application Development using Python Programming | BECSD60 | 2023-24 | | | |
154 | Computer Graphics | BECSD61 | 2023-24 | | | |
155 | Introduction to Internet of Things | BECSD62 | 2023-24 | | | |
156 | Introduction to Machine Learning | BECSD63 | 2023-24 | | | |
157 | Introduction to Cyber Security | BECSD64 | 2023-24 | | | |
158 | Introduction to Web technology | BECSD65 | 2023-24 | | | |
159 | Animation and Visualization | BECSD66 | 2023-24 | | | |
160 | Mini Project | BECSD67 | 2023-24 | | | |