1.1.2 Number of Programmes where Syllabus Revision was Carried out during 2023-24
Sl. No.Programme Code Programme Name Year of IntroductionStatus of Implemetation of CBCS / Elective Course System (Yes/No)Year of Implemetation of CBCS / Elective Course SystemYear of Revision (if any)If Revision has been Carried out in the Syllabus During the Year, Percentage of Content Added or ReplacedLink to the Relevant Document
1MAABS13MA in Ambedkar Studies2018CBCS2018-192023-2410
2MABUD21MA in Buddhist Studies2021CBCS2021-222023-2410
3BARCH17Bachelor of Architecture2002CBCS2010-112023-2415
4MTMTS17MTech in Material Science2012FCBCS2017-182022-2380
5PGDWOMPostgraduate Diploma in Women's Studies1999CBCS2010-112023-2490
6MSBOT13MSc in Botany1960CBCS2010-112023-2435
7MSGEL16MSc in Geology 1961CBCS2010-112023-2420
8MSAPG16MSc in Applied Geology1990CBCS2010-112023-2420
9MAECO13MA in Economics1961CBCS2010-112023-2420
10MACOP13MA in Cooperative Management1961CBCS2010-112023-2420
11MSENV13MSc in Environmental Science1992CBCS2010-112023-2410
12MSFSN13MSc in Food Science and Nutrition1970CBCS2010-112023-2430
13MSHUM13MSc in Human Development and Family Studies1993CBCS2010-112023-2420
14MSGEN17MSc in Genetics2005FCBCS2017-182023-2420
15MSGEO13MSc in Geography1959CBCS2010-112023-2420
16MAPHI13MA in Philosophy1916CBCS2010-112023-2430
17MSZOO13MSc in Zoology1960CBCS2010-112023-2430
18BPLN17BTech Planning2017CBCS2017-182023-2420
19MTURPMTech in Urban and Regional Planning1971CBCS2010-112023-2420