7.1.8 Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities
Sl.No.Title of the Program / ActivityDuration (From - To) No. of ParticipantsLink to the Relevant Document
1Shaikshanika Paribhashe Padagala Artha Rupane' Workshop45051120
2Stage Chemistry Neuro Psychiatric Disorder' on Stage45008100
3Inter University Exchange' Programme (visit by M.Ed Department students, central University, Kasaraguru)45152200
4Pallivative care awareness' programme SVYM Palliative Care Mysore45034100
5Sports Day' for M.Ed Students45156100
6Cultural Day' Celebration by M.Ed students45121100
7Cultural Day' Celebration by M.Ed students45033100
8Women's Day' Celebration4517280
9Indige Bekada Gandhiji Chinthanegalu'26-06-202328
10Prastuta Jaagatika Shantige Yeduragiruv Savalugalu' : Gandhiji chintanegala anivaryate05-08-202363
11Swathantrya chaluvaliya Ashayagalu Mattu Samakalina Savalugalu'11-08-2023214
12Samakalina Saamajika Thallanagalu Hagu Yuvajanathe'31-10-202362
13Special Lecture on 'Ambedkar and Women Empowerment' on the occasion of Ambedkar jayanthi4510185
14International Youth Day': 1st Place in Quiz451594
15Yuvasambrama held at Open Air Theater, Manasagangothri, Mysore4520710
16Yuva Dasara' Held At Maharaja College Ground, Mysuru.4522010
1773th Varshada Samvidhana Dinacharane': Bharateeya Samvidhana mattu Saamaajika Parivartane26-11-202291
182567th Buddha Poornime': Prastuta Kaalakke Buddha Anivaarya05-05-202368
19Two day National Conference on Delimitation: 'Inter State Asymmetry and its Implications'25-08-2023 to 26-08-2023737