5.3.1 Number of Awards/Medals won by Students for Outstanding performance in Sports/Cultural Activities at Inter-University/State/National/International Events (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the Year
Sl.No. | Year | Name of the Award/ Medal | Team / Individual | Inter-university / state / National / International | Name of the Event | Name of the Student | Link to the Relevant Document | |
1 | 2022-23 | Silver | Individual | National | Athletics (Shotput) | Ambika V | | |
2 | 2022-23 | Silver | Individual | National | Athletics (Triple Jump) | Mahantha B | | |
3 | 2022-23 | Bronze | Individual | National | Kick Boxing (Men) | Girish B B | | |
4 | 2022-23 | Bronze | Individual | National | Karate (Women) | Diea S Urs | | |
5 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Individual | National | Classical Instrumental Solo | Prithvi Bhaskar | | |
6 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Individual | National | Poster Making | Sri Darshan B Malvankar | | |
7 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Individual | National | Cartooning | Sri Darshan B Malvankar | | |
8 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Individual | National | Clay Modelling | Yashwanth M | | |
9 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Team | National | Group Song (Western ) | Prithvi Bhaskar | | |
10 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Team | National | Group Song (Western ) | Jilson George | | |
11 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Team | National | Group Song (Western ) | Priya K V | | |
12 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Team | National | Group Song (Western ) | Nishith A | | |
13 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Team | National | Group Song (Western ) | Shruthi C V | | |
14 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Team | National | Group Song (Western ) | Bharathi H C | | |
15 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Dikshith C Y | | |
16 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Mahashanthesha M C | | |
17 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Divyashri H M | | |
18 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Bhavana H V | | |
19 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Prajwal R | | |
20 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Sushravya H M | | |
21 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Rakesh D M | | |
22 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Yashaswini D | | |
23 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Team | National | One Act Play | Maheshbabu H | | |
24 | 2022-23 | First Prize | Individual | National | Poster Making | Sri Darshan B Malvankar | | |
25 | 2022-23 | Second Prize | Individual | National | Classical Instrumental Solo | Prithvi Bhaskar | | |
26 | 2022-23 | Third Prize | Individual | National | Cartooning | Sri Darshan B Malvankar | | |