2.4.4 Total number of Full Time Teachers who received Awards, Recognition, Fellowships at State, National, International Level from Government/Govt. recognised bodies during the Year
Sl.No.Name of Full Time Teachers Receiving Awards from State Level, National Level, International LevelYear of Award PANDesignation Name of the Award, Fellowship, Received from Government or Government Recognised BodiesName of the Awarding AgencyIncentives/Type of the Incentive Given by the HEI in Recognition of the AwardLink to the Relevant Document
1Geetha N2022-23ANKPG0338EProfessorExcellent Speech PrizeYamaguchi University-
2Niranjana S R2022-23AAVPN3744M3ProfessorIPS Recognition Award-2023Indian Phytopathological Society-
3Niranjana S R2022-23AAVPN3744M3ProfessorCV Raman Birth Centenary Award 2020-2023The Indian Science Congress Association-
4Amruthesh K N2022-23AETPA3963RProfessorFellowshipNational Academy of Biological Sciences-
5Guru D S2022-23ACLPG7412RProfessorHonouring the Business TycoonsJunior Chamber International (JCI) Mysore-
6Shashikala S D2022-23ALSPD4249BProfessorVishwakarma Award Jilla Panchayat, Mysore-
7Yashaswini S 2022-23AHTPY9046QAssistant ProfessorRotary Ideal Teacher AwardRotary Mysore North-
8Darshna Gowda M S2022-23EDSPD6519QGuest FacultyGold Medal for Bachelors of Toursim and Hospitality ManagementSt.Philominas College, Mysuru-
9Darshna Gowda M S2022-23EDSPD6519QGuest FacultyGold Medal for Master in Travel in Toursim ManagementMahajana's PG College, Mysuru.-
10Basavarajappa S 2022-23AIUPB9250DProfessorOutstanding Scientist Award INSO Conference-
11Basavarajappa S 2022-23AIUPB9250DProfessorSri Nalvadi Krishnaraja OdeyarThaynaadu Kannada Rakshana Vedike-
12Mohan C D2022-23BETPM3368HAssistant ProfessorYoung Scientist AwardProf. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society -