1.3.3 Total number of students enrolled in the courses under 1.3.2 above
Sl.No.Name of the Value Added Courses (with 30 or more contact hours) Offered Course Code (if any)Year of offering No. of Times Offered During the Same YearDuration of CourseNumber of Students Enrolled in the YearNumber of Students Completing the Course in the YearLink to the Relevant Document
1Medical Coding Training -2022-23104 Weeks150133
2Self Development -2022-23106 Months4137
3Communication Skills and Exposiory Writing -2022-23106 Months4137
4Academic Writing -2022-23106 Months4137
5Parivarthana Samajakarya Shibira -2022-23111 Days 4646
6Workshop on Indian Payroll System, labour Laws & Statutory Compliance along with advanced MS Office-2022-23107 Days4040
7Mission Innovation Mysuru - Phase -2-2022-23121 Days103100
8Mission Innovation Mysuru - Phase - 3-2022-23103 Months10328
9Spoken English Training Batch - 1-2022-23108 Days3634
10Spoken English Training Batch - 2-2022-23115 Days3025