6.3.3 Number of Professional Development / Administrative Training Programmes Organized by the Institution for Teaching and Non-teaching Staff during the Year
Sl. No.Dates (from-to) (DD-MM-YYYY)Title of the Professional Development Program Organised for Teaching StaffTitle of the Administrative Training Program Organised for Non-Teaching Staff No. of Participants Link to the Relevant Document
103-08-2021 to 16-08-202146th Refresher Course in Kannada -39
204-08-2021 to 17-08-202126th Refresher Course in History -40
306-08-2021 to 19-08-202128th Refresher Course in Commerce -39
4 10-08-2021 -E-Office Training 200
525-08-2021 to 07-09-20219th Refresher Course in Mathematical Science -29
626-08-2021 to 08-09-202122nd Refresher Course in English -33
714-09-2021 to 27-09-202130th Refresher Course in Economics -35
815-09-2021 to 28-09-202113th Refresher Course in Political Science -37
916-09-2021 to 29-09-202113th Refresher Course in Materials Science -38
1027-09-2021 to 10-10-202125th Refresher Course in Library & Information Science -27
1129-09-2021 to 12-10-202114th Refresher Course in Life Sciences -33
1227-10-2021 to 28-10-2021Two-Day Workshop on 'MOOCs, Online Courses & Open Educational Resources' -35
1309-11-2021 to 06-12-20213rd Faculty Induction Programme -31
1402-12-2021 to 15-12-202116th Refresher Course in Human Rights -25
1516-12-2021 to 29-12-202112th Refresher Course in Physical Education -21
1617-12-2021 to 30-12-202111th Refresher Course in Indian Literature -34
1712-01-2022 to 28-01-20225th Refresher Course in Teacher Educator -29
18 07-02-2022One Day Webinar on 'Climate Change' -22
1908-02-2022 to 09-02-2022Two Day Workshop on Academic Administration -29
2015-02-2022 to 16-02-2022 -Two days Workshop for Administrative Staff 36
21 17-02-2022One Day Webinar on 'Ethics' -36
22 19-02-2022One Day Webinar on 'MOOCs: Development and Delivery' -30
23 07-03-2022One Day Workshop on 'Thematic Popularization of NEP 2020' -35
24 11-03-2022One Day Principal Meet on 'Preparing Colleges for NAAC Process Under Revised Accreditation Framework' -36
2502-06-2022 to 03-06-2022 -E-Office Training 110
2615-07-2022 to 28-07-202247th Refresher Course in Kannada -43
2729-07-2022 to 11-08-202248th Refresher Course in Kannada -45