5.2.3 Number of recently graduated students who have progressed to higher education (previous graduating batch)during the year
Sl.No.Name of Student Enrolling into Higher EducationProgram Graduated from Name of Institution JoinedName of Programme Admitted toLink to the Relevant Document
1Sravanthi RMaster of Business AdministrationThe Institute of Cost Accountant of IndiaCA
2Parashurama M RMA in Peace and Conflict ResolutionCentre for Gandhian Studies, Manasagangothri, University of MysorePhD
3Nagamallu S MMA in Peace and Conflict ResolutionCentre for Gandhian Studies, Manasagangothri, University of MysorePhD
4Karthik Raj RMA in Ancient History and Archaeology Tamilnadu Institute of Archaeology and MuseologyPG Diploma in Archaeolgy
5Ragavendra S MA in AnthopologyDoS in AnthropologyPhD
6ArchanaMSc in BiotechnologyJawaharlal Nehru UniversityPhD in Nanoscience
7Deepak KMSc in BiotechnologyIIT KharagpurPhD in Medical Science and Technology
8Pramodh Rao NMSc in BiotechnologyHomi Babha National InstitutePhD in Life Sciences
9Darpan PhagiwalaMSc in BiotechnologyNational Centre for Cell Science, PunePhD
10Srinathya RavinuthalaMSc in BiotechnologyNational Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli, TNPhD Chemical Engineering
11Satyajit SMSc in BiotechnologyIIT BombayPhD in Biosciences and Bioengineering
12Abhishek VadeyarMaster of EducationDOS in EducationPhD
13Chethan CMaster of EducationDOS in EducationPhD
14Manjunath G NMaster of EducationDOS in EducationPhD
15Shivaprasad MMaster of EducationDOS in EducationPhD
16Chiravi KMSc in Food Science and NutritionDFRL, MysorePhD
17Guruprasad P NMSc in Food Science and NutritionSt. John's medical college and research institute, BangalorePhD
18Anitha MA in History Department of studies in History, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore PhD
19ChandanMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
20Manjunatha K SMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
21Abhishek NMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
22Yashavantha Kumara H CMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
23Ramya N RMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
24Beerappa HMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
25Vivekgowda KMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
26PramodMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
27AnanyaMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
28ShivashankaraMA in Journalism and Mass CommunicationDOS in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhD
29Pradeep M UpparMSc in Organic Chemistry DOS in Chemistry, University of Mysore Manasagangotri Mysuru PhD in Chemistry
30Raviprasad RPG Diploma in Swami Vivekananda StudiesUniversity of Mysore, KarnatakaPhD in Education
31Shivaprasad MPG Diploma in Swami Vivekananda StudiesUniversity of Mysore, KarnatakaPhD in Education
32Ashwini R KMA in PhilosophyUniversity of Mysore, KarnatakaPhD in Philosophy
33Jian ChaeMA in PhilosophyUniversity of Mysore, KarnatakaPhD in Philosophy
34Yujin KimMA in PhilosophyUniversity of Mysore, KarnatakaPhD in Philosophy
35Ajith S L Bachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
36AkshathaBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
37Arpitha RBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
38BellibasappaBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
39Chaithra SBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
40Chalan V SBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
41Dhanyakumar H SBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
42Gagan K JBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
43Geetha BBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
44Gowthami H SBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
45Keerthiraj C SBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
46Lathashree CBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
47Mahendra SBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
48Manjula MBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
49MeghanaBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
50Ningaraju BBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
51Nithin Sidhu H LBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
52PrajwalBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
53Prasanna BBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
54Ramreisem KashungBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
55Rashmi V RBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
56Sanjay S VBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
57Santhosha K RBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
58Shabarish V RBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
59Sharath A S Bachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
60Sudhir Raju KBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
61Thejas ABachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
62Yogesh SBachelor of Physical Educaton Dos in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore Master of Physical Education
63Chethan VMSc in PhysicsDoS in Physics University of Mysore Manasagangotri, MysuruPhD in Physics
64Harshitha H NMSc in PhysicsNIMHANS, KarnatakaPhD in Biophysics
65Karthik RMSc in PhysicsNITK Surathkal, KarnatakaPhD in Physics
66Sri GurubasavalingaswamyPost MA DiplomaKarnataka Sanskrit UniversityPhD
67Sri SharanabasavaPost MA DiplomaKarnataka Sanskrit UniversityPhD
68Shobha SMA in SanskritDharwad UniversityPhD
69Heddari RavikumarMA in SanskritKarnataka Sanskrit UniversityPhD
70Kishorekumar BMSc in Sericulture and SeribiotechnolgyDepartment of Studies in Biotechnology, Shivagangotri, Davanagere University, Davanagere-577007 PhD
71Kaviraju K NMA in Development Studies Institute of Development Studies, University of Mysore, Manasagangtri, MysorePhD in Development Studies
72Girisha CMBA in Agribusiness ManagementInstitute of Development Studies, University of Mysore, Manasagangtri, MysorePhD in Agribusiness Management
73Mahesha N KMA in Rural Development Institute of Development Studies, University of Mysore, Manasagangtri, MysorePhD in Development Studies
74Praveen H KMA in Rural Development Institute of Development Studies, University of Mysore, Manasagangtri, MysorePhD in Development Studies