4.2.2 Institution has subscription for e-Library resources Library has regular subscription for the following: 1. e – journals, 2. e-books, 3.e-Shodh Sindhu, 4.Shodhganga,5.Databases
Sl.No.Library ResourcesIf Yes, Details of Memberships/ Subscriptions Expenditure on Subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in Lakhs)Expenditure on Subscription to other e-resources (INR in Lakhs)Total Library Expenditure (INR in Lakhs)Link to the Relevant Document
2Journals 70+139NANA6.53
3e-journals ESS 7026( consortia)NANANA
5e-ShodhSindhuThrough ESS ConsortiaNANANA
6ShodhgangaThrough UGC InflibnetNANANA
7 Databases Indiastat 0.58 NA 11.40
Manupatra 1.42 NA
Kinmbus 4.99 NA
Drillbit 0.99 NA
Remote log 2.42 NA
KOHA 1.00 NA