2.4.4 Total number of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government/Govt. recognised bodies during the year
Sl.No.Name of Full Time Teachers Receiving Awards from State Level, National Level, International LevelYear of Award PANDesignation Name of the Award, Fellowship, Received from Government or Government Recognised BodiesName of the Awarding AgencyIncentives/Type of the Incentive Given by the HEI in Recognition of the AwardLink to the Relevant Document
1Amulya M2021-22AHEPA9458MAssociate Professor of BIMS, University of Mysore, MysuruAward of Excellence in Research Novel Research Academy -
2Shobha V2021-22BNTPS4744JAssociate Professor Smt Sumangala Patil Mahila Award Karnataka Itihasa Akademi, Bengaluru -
3Niranjana S R2021-22AAVPN3744MProfessorBSR Faculty fellowship 2021University Grants Commission, New Delhi -
4Niranjana S R2021-22AAVPN3744MProfessorShri Maharshi Valmiki Award 2021ST Welfare Department, Government of Karnataka -
5Umesha S2021-22AAIPU3360PProfessorB.N. Chakraborty and Usha Chakraborty IPS Best Teacher AwardIndian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi -
6Amruthesh K N2021-22AETPA3963RProfessorKarnataka Science and Technology Academy FellowshipDepartment of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka -
7Revanasiddappa H D2021-22AERPR2581LProfessorKarnataka Science and Technology Academy FellowshipDepartment of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka -
8Srikantaswamy S2021-22AGAPS4940DProfessorFellow, Royal Socity of ChemistryRoyal Socity of London -
9Abhilash M R2021-22AULPA0095NGuest Faculty (Full-Time)Member, Royal Socity of ChemistryRoyal Socity of London -
10Abhilash M R2021-22AULPA0095NGuest Faculty (Full-Time)Chartered ChemistRoyal Socity of London -
11Sapna M S2021-22AYMPS2231HProfessor AIWAA- Woman Achiever AwardsTWELL Magazine, Mysore -
12Mallinath Kumbar2021-22ADDPK6077HProfessorBest Academic LIS Professional AwardLibrary Professionals Association, New Delhi -
13Chandrashekara M2021-22ABLPC7881KProfessorInternational Distinguished Professor AwardInternational Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Vijayawada -
14Lakshmidevi N2021-22ABQPL1376BProfessorBharat Gaurav PuraskarKTK Outstanding Achievers and Education Foundation -
15Umakanth R S 2021-22AJIPR2938MAssociate ProfessorInternational Best Researcher AwardISSN International Research Awards -
16Shivappa R2021-22ANAPS7778JProfessor of Social Work University of Mysore, MysuruInternational Distinguished Education Excellence Award 2021Center for Professional Advancement Continuous Education- CPACE -
17Nanjunda D C2021-22AHAPN4181RAssociate ProfessorFellowshipKarnataka Kodava Sahithya Academy -
18Nanjunda D C2021-22AHAPN4181RAssociate ProfessorFellowshipKarnataka Hare Bashe Academy -